The Greenburgh-Graham School District provides a structured nurturing environment that services students who are at-risk and supports their growth so they can learn and thrive.
Our program is designed to support students with varying ability levels who struggle academically and/or emotionally. Greenburgh-Graham is an accredited day program and an approved New York State Public School for students aged 5 to 21 years. Students with behavioral, emotional and learning disabilities are offered ongoing assessment and data-driven targeted intervention in a supportive environment. Student referrals are usually made by their local school district's Committee on Special Education (CSE) or the local Department of Social Services. We offer a rigorous curriculum designed to meet each student’s individual learning level in a therapeutic environment.
High Quality Instruction
The Greenburgh-Graham elementary, middle and high schools are staffed with dedicated professionals – trained in state-of-the-art instructional strategies – who provide quality instruction to our students.
Elementary through middle school students receive intensive specialized instruction in reading, writing and spelling through the Wilson Reading program. This program uses research-based, structured, systematic, multi-sensory approaches.
Our high school program offers a variety of classes to meet student needs at all levels of instruction. We believe in a focus on the student’s academic level rather than “one-size-fits-all” teaching. We offer a variety of levels of required courses and student classroom placement is based on the individual student’s needs; we prepare each student toward the achievement of the required New York State assessments.
At Greenburgh-Graham, the staff holds each student to a very high standard. We provide needed support, instructional strategies and accommodations to motivate improved academic achievement – we encourage each student to take positive risks and to develop self-confidence.
Utilizing a multi-sensory approach to learning, classrooms have been equipped with Smartboards.
Continuous Assessment and Progress Monitoring
Students can only be accepted into our District if they have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). When a student is accepted into our program, he/she is individually assessed in reading and mathematics skills. This data is used to match the student's skills with appropriate academic programs specifically structured to their needs. Each student receives a goal-driven program that is integrated into the grade-level curriculum. Ongoing assessment of the student's academic skills using I-Ready and Mastery Connect allows us to continually monitor progress at regular intervals thereby ensuring that students reach expected goals and beyond. In this way, we continue to narrow any learning gaps and identify advancement and regression in their early stages and continue to differentiate their academic programs accordingly. Overall, our use of assessment monitoring has resulted in an effective and appropriately targeted instructional approach, giving students the opportunity to reach their individual targets goals, and achieve academic enrichment as they advance to above grade level skill sets.
Therapeutic Environment
Greenburgh Graham's therapeutic component is embedded in our students' daily routine. Our staff of counselors provides counseling services through a multidisciplinary therapy approach to students individually, in groups, and classroom lessons. Students are assisted with emotional, attentional, adjustment, and conduct needs. Staff also provide individual counseling, crisis intervention and maintain the formation and facilitation of group services. There exists a close collaboration between the clinical staff, faculty and supportive-services who work together on students’ educational programs. This strong team-based relationship promotes and enhances academic, personal, and social development for all our students.
Culture of Success
An effective school-wide and campus foundation is designed to improve the academic performance and behavior of all children. This foundation includes programs that reinforce problem-solving skills; teachers and staff who are trained to support positive social and school behaviors; differentiated instruction to provide remediation and enrichment based on individual need; engaging curricula and effective teaching practices; targeted interventions based on data analysis of academic functioning; and collaborative relationships with families and staff.
At Greenburgh-Graham we believe that success breeds success. Our curriculum and instructional practices are rigorous and individualized for students to achieve. The emotionally supportive environment helps students make positive choices and fulfill their potential.
PBIS Program
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is the corner-stone of our behavioral program. PBIS is a proactive systems-approach for maintaining a safe and effective learning environment. It assures that all students have an opportunity to attain the social/emotional skills needed to ensure success at school and beyond. This program guides students toward becoming responsible for their actions and teaches appropriate social skills.